EP 18: The Secrets Men Keep – Steve Arterburn

In Accountability, Marriage, Podcast by Stephen Arterburn

Finding a way to deal with the unspoken fears and questions.

The Bible indicates that God keeps some things completely to himself.  So what’s wrong with having a secret?

Steve Arterburn, founder of New Life Ministries and the author of The Secrets Men Keep: How Men Make Life & Love, examines the danger behind keeping secrets as a man, how men make their lives more difficult than it has to be and why they do it. He also emphasizes that finding a way to deal with a man’s unspoken fears and questions, is one of the most important tasks for a man.

Listen to this podcast and get the following questions answered:

  1. Are all secrets sinful?
  2. What are the top areas of life where men keep secrets?
  3. What kind of damage do secrets create?
  4. When the pain becomes so deep,  what can I do? I don’t want to hurt people around me.
  5. I am ready to open up about my secrets. Where and who should I go to? Is there anyone I should not go to?

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Stephen Arterburn
Stephen Arterburn is the founder and CEO of New Life Ministries. He is also a best selling author of books such as Every Man’s Battle and Preparing Your Daughter for Every Young Woman’s Battle.
Stephen Arterburn
Stephen Arterburn is the founder and CEO of New Life Ministries. He is also a best selling author of books such as Every Man’s Battle and Preparing Your Daughter for Every Young Woman’s Battle.