Recap: God Men Have A Vision for Life

In Daily Devotional by Brian Tome

Theme of the Week: Godly Men Have A Vision for Life

Bible Verse: “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 ESV

Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-21

We started this week considering how reverse-engineering our lives is a good place to start and define a vision for yourself. Throughout this week, we have explored how important it is to have a vision and pursue it with determination. Having a vision and the focus to reach it in the long haul separates the boys from men.

Here are some highlights:

Boys Are Shortsighted. Men Play the Long Game.
I’m still working on my vision in an endless series of small daily choices, with a big dose of God’s grace and a slew of awesome people around me.

Just Dream Big
In the midst of his attempt and eventual success, he was able to keep it about God and not himself.

Boys Live for Today. Men Think Long Term.
That’s what men do. Vision, by definition, requires us to break out of our short-term, overnight-delivery, instant-download mentality and engage in the long game.

Vision is about the Long Term, but it Starts Now.
If you listen to the voices of those who don’t understand dreams and visions that come to men of all ages, then your one shot at this life will not be well lived. The right time, the sweet spot, is right now.

Boys Drift. Men Focus.
If we want to be men with vision, we must be men with focus. Our ADD culture doesn’t want this or understand it. “Normal” people would rather we remain distracted boys. It’s easier for them to criticize than to change. We don’t want that; we want to be different.

Taken from The Five Marks of a Man: Finding Your Path to Courageous Manhood by Brian Tome. Copyright ©2018 by Brian Tome. Used by permission of Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, MI.

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Brian Tome
Brian Tome is the founding and senior pastor of Crossroads Church, 2017's fastest-growing church in America. Brian has authored four books including his best-seller, The Five Marks of a Man. He also hosts The Aggressive Life podcast. As an entrepreneur, Brian has opened several other non-profits and started Man Camp, a primitive weekend camping experience that has helped tens of thousands of men reclaim the code of manhood.
Brian Tome
Brian Tome is the founding and senior pastor of Crossroads Church, 2017's fastest-growing church in America. Brian has authored four books including his best-seller, The Five Marks of a Man. He also hosts The Aggressive Life podcast. As an entrepreneur, Brian has opened several other non-profits and started Man Camp, a primitive weekend camping experience that has helped tens of thousands of men reclaim the code of manhood.