EP 29: 8 Habits Every Christian Should Practice – Darryl Dash 

In Podcast, Spiritual Growth by Darryl Dash

Sometimes the smallest steps in the right direction end up being the biggest step of your life.

Ministry in Downtown Toronto is no easy job. Darryl Dash is always looking for ways to help Christians start their journey. Many of them have the desire to grow in God, but they often don’t know where and how to begin.

Seeing his wife’s weight loss success after implementing some very simple lifestyle changes, Darryl was amazed. He started thinking if a health consultant can translate complex nutrition concepts into easy habits that people can follow, is there a parallel to church ministry? Can he take the richest of biblical doctrine and scripture, and turn them into easy habits for Christians to help their walk with Jesus? As a result, he wrote a new book on this topic called 8 Habits for Growth: A Simple Guide to Becoming More Like Christ.

Listen to this episode, Darryl discusses the habits in his book and gives helpful advice for Christians who desires to go deeper in their faith walk.


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Darryl Dash
Darryl Dash (@DashHouse) is a pastor at Liberty Grace Church, a church planter in Toronto with over 25 years of ministry experience, and an author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Your Life. He is married to Charlene and have two adult children: Christy and Josiah. Find out more about Darryl at DashHouse.com.
Darryl Dash
Darryl Dash (@DashHouse) is a pastor at Liberty Grace Church, a church planter in Toronto with over 25 years of ministry experience, and an author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Your Life. He is married to Charlene and have two adult children: Christy and Josiah. Find out more about Darryl at DashHouse.com.