You Are More Than The Stereotype

In Daily Devotional by Chris Walker

Bible Verse: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27-28)

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:31; 2 Corinthians 5:17-18; Ephesians 2:10

It has been called “every man’s battle,” a “universal” sin that all men struggle with and can feel consumed by.


The word itself sounds a little dirty. Something about it sounds different from other sins.

This, of course, is not true.

No doubt lust is widespread amongst both men and women and no doubt there are many men out there who struggle with it.

But there are men who are not prone to it and others who may be tempted but have learned to overcome by the grace of God.

And that is the most important part of what men need to know about this topic:

Lust can be overcome.

Yes, lust is sinful—in our key verse today, Jesus lays it out for us and sets the bar unbelievably high. It’s not just about avoiding sexual sin in action; it’s about avoiding sexual sin even in our hearts (including our thoughts, our fantasies, etc.).

Yes, lust is common—it’s safe to say that many, if not most, men grapple with this issue or have in the past.

Yes, lust is challenging—men have a God-given sex drive that is real and powerful, designed to fuel procreation and intimacy with our spouse, and it is very easy for this natural drive to be pushed into an unnatural direction.

And yes, there can easily be a defeatist attitude when it comes to lust. “That’s just who men are,” some say with a shoulder shrug. That’s just the way it works. Lustful men are unavoidable.

But to take on this attitude is to view manhood too low and to elevate sin too high.

It also dishonors the God who made us for good (Genesis 1:31; Ephesians 2:10) and who promises to restore our sinful brokenness into a holy new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).

Men, we are more than the stereotype when it comes to lust. We 100% can get a handle on lust in our life. This week, we will take a simple and practical look at how.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for loving me just as I am but loving me too much to let me stay as I am. I want to find freedom in this area. Come set me free! Amen.

Reflection: What are the greatest challenges to overcoming lust in a man’s life?

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Chris Walker
Chris Walker is the Content Editor at Impactus. He was a pastor in the local church for over 2 decades, and has served in a variety of ministry roles, including as a columnist at Patheos. He desires to see men filled with God's Word and His Spirit in order to fulfill His call for their lives. Chris is married to Sarah with two children, and lives in the Windsor-Essex region of Ontario, Canada.
Chris Walker
Chris Walker is the Content Editor at Impactus. He was a pastor in the local church for over 2 decades, and has served in a variety of ministry roles, including as a columnist at Patheos. He desires to see men filled with God's Word and His Spirit in order to fulfill His call for their lives. Chris is married to Sarah with two children, and lives in the Windsor-Essex region of Ontario, Canada.