My wife and I were recently reflecting on how different boys and girls are. She talked about how much of a challenge it was to get used to boys wrestling around all the time. I know there have been times where she wonders if she has made any difference in the lives of our boys (she has made a HUGE difference). So today I want to reflect on some of the most important gifts a mom can give to her son. These ideas are simply my experience of some of the most important gifts my mom has given to me.
1. The Gift of Seeing What a Close Relationship with Jesus Looks Like
My mom is the person who helped me begin my personal faith journey. I remember like it was yesterday when she helped me place my personal faith in Jesus. As my brother and I grew up, my mom continued to model her faith to us every day. When I would wake up in the morning and head out for breakfast, I would see my mom’s Bible open on the table – every day! She showed me how important it was to spend time with God, no matter how busy life became.
2. The Gift of Perseverance
My children have told me they do not know of anyone who has gone through as much “stuff” in life as my mom has. I do not want to list all of the details here, but let me just say she has had a lifetime and then some of trials and difficult times.
Her favourite Bible verse comes from Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Whenever she is going through a difficult time, my mom will say “we will just see what the Lord does with this.”
I have learned to persevere through difficult times from watching my mom’s own perseverance in life.
3. The Gift of Confidence
There is something about a mom cheering us on. No matter how big the challenge or how small the opportunity, my mom is always cheering for me. She loves to know the smallest details of our lives. She believes in her sons, and she loves to tell us how proud she is of us. Yes, I am pretty sure there are times I have rolled my eyes at this, but I can’t imagine my life without the confidence she has helped to build in me.
If you are a mom – thank you for all you do! The world is a better place because of your presence and influence.