Please consider a special Easter gift today and bring a new day to even more men who desperately need it. You can donate here
If you have ever experienced being stuck in traffic, a flight delay at the airport, or sitting indefinitely in a waiting room, you most likely experienced the frustration of plans turning into a pause. A lack of movement will do that. We like things to keep in motion.
The past two years of the pandemic pause have been particularly painful. Travel arrangements, career planning, relationship goals, educational aspirations, you name it, almost every aspect of life and society has been affected. There is no wonder hope has been hard to find when forward momentum has stalled. But maybe things are not as they seem.
Easter is a story of movement. Matthew’s Gospel journals Jesus’ journey from scene to scene and from location to location. The story moves to:
- The Last Supper (26:17-29)
- The Mount of Olives (26:30-35) and the Garden of Gethsemane (26:36-56)
- The home of the High Priest, Caiaphas (26:57-68)
- The palace of the Roman Governor, Pilate (27:11-26)
- The soldiers’ headquarters (27:27-31)
- The Via Dolorosa (27:32) to Golgotha’s Cross (27:33-61)
- The tomb (27:62-65)
A cold hard stop. The movement had ended. The Messiah was dead. Hope was buried. God was silent. Good Friday descended into the demoralizing, discouraging, and deadly pause of silent Saturday. To His followers, it must have seemed like an eternity.
No one likes the in-between, especially when there appears to be no end in sight. Instead of an intermission, the pause can seem more like a destination. But God did not stop in the silence of Saturday. God’s apparent vacancy did not change the reality of God’s activity. In the waiting, God is always working. Saturday’s gloom turned into Sunday’s glorious dawn and the angel’s pronouncement. God was on the move.
“He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen…And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and he is going ahead of you to Galilee.” Matthew 28:6-7 NLT
God was on the move…and He is still moving. For men who have never been more discouraged, disconnected, and divided, God is moving toward them. For a world on the brink of chaos, culture wars, and conflict, there is Good News: God is still moving. He invites us to join Him in His work in the world.
We have an Easter message to share: it’s time for men to move…toward God, toward wholeness, toward purpose, toward the mission of God. You can be a part of this momentum through your prayer and financial support.
Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been forging ahead with ministry to men and those who lead ministry to men. Your partnership will build a movement of ministry to men through:
- The relaunch of in-person conferences and events,
- Building of ministry networks in Canada and around the world,
- Release of new discipleship training and programs for leaders and small groups,
- Engaging the next generation of men through This Is Me and a new young man’s podcast,
- Expansion our online ministry, e.g. daily devotional, articles, and videos.
God is on the move. Would you consider moving with Him by joining us in reaching and discipling men? The need and the opportunity have never been greater.
The Resurrection story is a story of momentum. The enemy thought he had won when Jesus came to a “dead” stop, but this was just an intermission before the resurrection and the greatest movement the world had ever seen. The pauses we experience may be preparation for His greatest move yet. As we celebrate Easter, would you keep the momentum going by partnering with us to equip men for a life of purpose and godly impact?
Please consider a special Easter gift today and bring a new day to even more men who desperately need it. You can donate online at
God is on the move. Let’s keep moving with Him!