It was the hardest day of my life. I knew it was coming, but nothing could’ve prepared me for it. Nancy and I had been happily married for almost 40 …
Being a Man Who Manages God’s Wealth
The first car I bought after our first child was born was a mistake. Before the baby came, we had a small sports car with a tiny backseat. I loved …
No, You’re Not “Too Busy to Serve”
In a world where men are expected to excel at work, support their families, and contribute to their communities, the pressure to “do it all” can be overwhelming. It’s easy …
3 Things for Men to Consider About Retirement
What neighborhood has 30 golf courses, 110 swimming pools, and 3,000 different lifestyle clubs to choose from? It’s called “The Villages,” a retirement community of 150,000 residents in Southern Florida. …
The Men’s Playbook for Beating Depression
“Depression” can be a scary word for men. As Christian men, the word is often even more loaded. For many, it’s controversial, confusing, embarrassing, and sometimes even downright shameful. If …
How Can a Man Recover From Divorce?
Divorce is one of the toughest challenges a Christian man can face in life. It is devastating for all parties involved. After the “bomb” is dropped, it can feel like …
The Other Side of Accountability
I was walking through a tall forest on Keats Island off the West Coast of Canada alongside my spiritual advisor, Dave. He had been assigned to me as part of …
Getting Free From Our Sexual Pasts
Our experiences have a profound effect on the way we live our lives. When it comes to our sexual pasts, these experiences can lead to us picking up beliefs that …
Facing the Challenges of the Christmas Season
There’s a popular Christmas movie that many dads seem to relate to this time of year. It’s called Christmas Vacation, and the lead character is a dad named Clark Griswold. …
Lessons for a Middle-Aged Man
This morning, on my way to the office, it hit me like a bolt of lightning striking the base of a tree during a storm: I am a year and …