“The doctrine of the Trinity is difficult and perplexing to us,” wrote R.C. Sproul.[1] No kidding! As Tim Keller once said, the doctrine of the Trinity overloads our mental circuits.[2] …
You Are What You Eat?
“You are what you eat!” You’ve probably heard this phrase before, and for good reason. Ever wonder, “If I ate enough carrots, would my skin change orange?” Well, it is …
EP 74: Helping the World Hear God Speak with Duncan Campbell
If you’re like most guys, Bible engagement can be challenging. While some are very disciplined with their time in the Word, others struggle to prioritize and focus.
3 Reasons Sabbath Rest is So Crucial
Life can be stressful, and while some stress is within our control, other stressors are simply part of life. While we can take steps to reduce our stress levels, escaping …
Grace Under Fire: The Wise Words of Melania Trump
Surely all of us were rattled by the bullets flying around Donald Trump this past weekend, wounding him and tragically killing an innocent bystander. Whatever one’s political convictions, all should …
When a Christian Leader Fails
The news made me feel sick. A pastor—a man I had respected—had been caught in secret sin. Even worse, he’d covered it up. When he was found out, he resigned, …
EP 73: The Discipleship Opportunity with Daniel Im
What if God was using this time in our history to awaken people to His Kingdom and awaken His people to truly be a people of calm in chaos, to be salt and light in this dark world, and to be His ambassadors of hope and justice?
Why Should a Man Sing?
My dad was a good man, one of the best men I have ever met. He had a grade-six education, but that didn’t stop him from living a successful life …
How a Man Submits to God’s Ways
If you’re a man and it seems like your spiritual growth has slowed down or even stopped as of late, there’s a chance you have not fully submitted yourself to …
Why a Man’s Body Matters
A struggling pastor once reached out to his mentor during a difficult season of ministry. Much had changed since they had last seen each other some years ago. The pastor’s …