The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15 (NIV) Six days you shall labor …
The “Already/Not Yet” Life of a Christian
One of the greatest decisions of my life was asking my girlfriend to marry me and become my wife, many years ago. Although we had been discussing marriage, were already …
2 Keys for Proper Repentance
Whenever the New Testament uses the word “repent” in English, it comes from the Greek word metanoia. The NIV Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary defines metanoia as “to change any or all …
When Jesus Asks for More Than We Have
Have you ever felt your spirit moved to give or be involved in a way that seemed more than you could give? Has the Holy Spirit ever seemed to ask …
EP 70: Football and Faith with Michigan Wolverines’ Robby Emery
If you’re a football fan, you’re going to love this conversation, and if you’re not a football fan, you’re still going to love this conversation! On January 8, the 15-0 …
A Better View of Holiness
Holiness. We hear this word tossed around all the time in Christian circles. I’ve listened to countless sermons and attended conferences where men are challenged to “rise up” and “live …
The Completely Upside-Down Kingdom of God
I used to think little kids were all sweet and innocent. Then, my wife and I had a couple. Don’t get me wrong, my kids were amazing, and of course, …
Lessons From Peter’s Story
Long before the Apostle Peter preached his first sermon as a leader in the early Church (Acts 2:14-40), he was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He was a …
The Gym Bro Revival: God is Moving Among Gen-Z Men
Recently, I joined over 55,000 young adults representing 72 countries gathered in Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium for the annual three-day Passion Conference. Although young adults have been gathering annually for Passion …
Winning and Losing Super Bowl QBs Praise Jesus
Super Bowl LVIII has come and gone, and once again, the Kansas City Chiefs are world champions, this time by way of a 25-22 overtime victory over the San Francisco …