When the battle goes downhill, a good friend can save your life David fighting Goliath is iconic—a celebrated and universal symbol of undaunted courage. David fighting Ishbi-Benob is stigmatic —an …
Love Your Neighbourhood
There’s something refreshing about loving locally. The first time I emerged from the Runnymede Subway Station in Toronto, I knew I’d discovered something different. I’d spent my entire life in …
Friends: Risks and Rewards
Why no man should go it alone No one in their right mind would even dream of asking for the kind of help Robert offered. In fact, I found his …
Only Ministry Matters
Regardless of “profession,” serve God in all you do During my first pastoral call I was a tent-maker. Okay, that’s a bit of a misnomer; I didn’t make tents at …
Just be Just
Action—clear, simple, costly action—makes all the difference in the world Our language is riddled with quirks. It abounds in ironies. Fat chance and thin chance mean the same thing. To …
Ronnie Faisst: Going for the Gold
Ronnie takes a step back at the pinnacle of his career to see what really matters and whose dream he’s living.
Having a Childlike Faith
Tim Coles shares some amazing stories of God answering seemingly small prayers in big ways and what can happen when we have childlike faith. Related Links and Resources: Youth for …
Leave No Son Behind: God’s Heart for the Fatherless with Gerry Organ
In this episode of the podcast, former CFLer and Recruitment & Training team member of theCode in Ottawa, Gerry Organ talks about God’s heart for the fatherless, and three fundamental …
Ryan Ries: “Is This What My Life Has Become?”
“Playboy mansion parties, drugs, alcohol – it all feels good for a while… But then you want more, more and MORE! – until you have gaping hole in your life that’s impossible to fill.”
Shaking Off the Dust
How do we live as true neighbours in a tolerant society? We are relatively new to our neighbourhood. We’re surrounded by great people with rich and varied stories—and I know …