Theme of the Week: Staying On Course
Bible Verse: “The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.” John 10:2-3
Scripture Reading: John 12:20-36
The voice of God came to Jesus at all the great moments of His life. It came at His baptism, when he began the work that God gave Him to do (Mark 1:11). It came on the Mount of Transfiguration, as he again affirmed taking the way that led to Jerusalem and the cross (Mark 9:7); and it came when the human part of Him needed the strength of the Father to face the ordeal of the cross (John 12:27-34).
Do you think that what God did for Jesus, He may want to do for you and for me – that He wants us to hear His voice clearly at special moments in our lives?
I have discovered that when I have a hard time hearing God’s voice, I may be in trouble at the very heart of my Christian experience. Remember, the problem is not that He doesn’t speak but that we, for whatever reason, have trouble listening.
Moreover, I’ve learned that I shouldn’t ask unless I’m willing to accept God’s answers. Don’t ask for guidance unless you are prepared to act on it and have a desire to know and do all the will of God. Don’t ask for wisdom unless you are willing to follow through. Don’t ask for unity unless you are ready to go to a brother and make things right. He is always willing to make His purpose known, but He will not show you His will if you are merely curious.
Don’t expect God to shout either. Quiet is essential to effective listening. You can’t jam your mind with carnal influences 12 hours a day and expect God to reveal His plans to you during a commercial. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). I find that hard to do because I’m a task-oriented, let’s-get-it-done-yesterday kind of guy. But it’s fundamental to hearing God’s voice.
Watch out for a plug in the line. If you are passively or openly rebelling against God in some area of your life, you are putting a plug in the pipeline God uses to deliver His messages. Unconfessed sin is a major plug.
We also need to be willing to be “God’s fool.” God gave us common sense and He expects us to use it. Most of the time, His will makes sense to our reason and intelligence, but not always. Sometimes His objectives and direction cut across all human reason, and even goes totally contrary to it. When the inner voice of God speaks clearly and we conform to His will, obedience may be counted as madness in the eyes of the world. But if you are willing to be God’s fool, then you will see His power.
God’s guidance will never go against scriptural principle. The Bible is a record of God’s revelation of Himself to man. His will is expressly revealed in His Word.
Tune in to God’s voice today!
Content taken from Staying on Course by Dr. Garth Leno, ©2001. Used with permission.
Prayer: God, thank you that you are always present in my life to guide and correct me. Help me to listen for you even when the rest of life is loud and overwhelming.
Reflection: What practices do you have to help you hear God’s voice when He is speaking to you?
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