Theme of the Week: What is a Christian? The Christian Character
Bible Verse: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6 CSB
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:5-11
We’ve all heard stories of people who have suffered injustice and the damage their experience caused to their hearts.
Some have developed a deep hatred toward those who have trespassed against them. Others have developed a distorted image of themselves and of others. And there are those that have become increasingly suspicious of people around them for fear of becoming victims again. Any form of injustice has the potential to poison one’s life and distort our view of ourselves, of others, and even of God.
For centuries, humankind has been crying for justice – in homes, in the streets, on television and on the internet. People shout for justice, and with good reason, for we live in a world that is broken. Many are so hurt, traumatized and bitter because of what they have experienced or seen that their hearts are poisoned and darkened by evil. It’s like they’ve been bitten by a serpent, and the contaminated blood circulating in their veins is slowly killing them.
Most people want to be part of the solution to fight injustice in the world, but a cry that comes from a darkened heart cannot produce the true justice we seek because darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that.
But how do we know if our heart has been darkened?
When we are unable to love our enemies.
When the darkness of injustice has a hold on our hearts, then we become helpless in the face of the darkness surrounding us. And even if we are well-meaning, we simply cannot be part of the solution. In spite of ourselves, we will be part of the problem.
Unless… we turn to Christ and cry out for justice. To him, the One who can drive out the darkness of our hearts and make us righteous.
If we hunger and thirst for his righteousness, we will surely receive it.
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