Theme of the Week: Being an Excellent Dad
Bible Verse: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 NIV
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:6–8
As a dad, I can think of plenty of times when I wish I could have a do-over. I’ve gotten more angry than necessary over little things like spilled milk. I’ve missed opportunities for playing or talking because I wanted to watch TV instead. There were times when I’ve blown it by adding more horsepower to a discipline situation than necessary. I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with my kids, but I chose my own selfish desires. I’ve said “no” when I probably should have said “yes” and “yes” when I should have said “no.” If I could do everything over again, I’m sure I would do things differently.
If you’re like me, you probably know what I’m talking about. The good news is that we have a heavenly Father who offers second chances. When Jesus hung on the cross, he prayed that our heavenly Father would forgive us because we don’t know what we’re doing. Truer words were never spoken.
Think of that word “forgive.” Forgiveness is about grace, and grace is undeserved favor. Notice that the word is not “aftgive” as in, “I will give you undeserved favor after you show me that you deserve it.” The word is forgive as in “I will give you undeserved favor before you show me that you deserve it.” This means that in every moment of every day, our heavenly Father offers us a second chance before we prove that we deserve it.
As dads, we’re going to blow it. And maybe some of us have already blown it badly. But here is the good news: our heavenly Father offers us forgiveness. He offers us a second chance before we even deserve it. That means that every day is an opportunity to demonstrate truth and grace to our kids the way that God offers truth and grace to us.
What would it look like for you to live in God’s forgiveness today?
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