Theme of the Week: Mission Possible
Bible Verse: “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:5 ESV
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Corinthians 5:20
One thing is clear from this week’s verse: Paul is not worried about challenging young Timothy. He must have believed that Timothy could do it. Our theme is Mission Possible, and I believe we can rise to Paul’s challenge as well.
“Do the work of an evangelist” – What does that mean?! Why would Paul say this? I think Paul is reminding Timothy not to lose his zeal for those far from God. Something that may have been easy to do as he became more involved as a pastor. Perhaps Paul was cautioning Timothy not to get too busy with everyday life that he forgets the mission.
Relevant? A bit too close to home! We are being charged by one of the fathers of the faith not to forget that our first and primary job is to reach those who don’t know the Lord yet.
Let’s breakdown this phrase:
“Do” is an action word. It doesn’t sound like a suggestion.
“Work” requires effort. It’s not going to happen accidentally. It requires intentionality.
“Evangelist” is one who proclaims the Gospel or good news. It’s one who can convince, persuade, and share the Gospel.
This is not just a pastor’s job; we share this responsibility to participate in fulfilling the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19-20). Charles Spurgeon once said, “Every Christian is a missionary or an impostor.” It’s not optional.
Where do we start? There are others more equipped to speak on this topic, but I will offer some thoughts on how I try to “do the work of an evangelist”.
- Pray for who God wants me to connect with.
- Pay attention to the people God has brought into my life that are far from Him.
- Look for opportunities to build a relationship with them.
- Be helpful by loving and serving them.
- When I hear of pain points in their lives, I try to bring the Healer into their story.
It’s never that linear, but you get the point. If you love and serve people, when they notice, you have an answer to why you do it. Let’s start there and see what God will do!
Prayer: God, open my heart to have compassion for those needing you. Open my eyes to those you have brought into my life. God, open my ears so I can hear you and obey what you are asking me to do.
Reflect: Your mission, if you chose to accept it: Who has God placed in your life that you’re supposed to love and serve in a greater way? What are some ways you can love and serve them practically?
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