Theme of the Week: What is Salt & Light of the World? The Christian Influence
Bible Verse: “You are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13a CSB
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2, 9-20
If you ever lose electricity, a good way to preserve the meat in your fridge is to rub it with good dry rub salt. The salt draws out the moisture from the cells so that bacteria cannot thrive, resulting in dry meat that can last for months or even years without refrigeration.
This method has been used for centuries. When Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth,” he may have been referring to a number of things that salt does, like adding flavor or purifying. Most likely, though, he was speaking of salt’s ability to preserve. The world can seem rotten sometimes. “Christians have the effect of delaying moral and spiritual putrefaction1,” writes D.A. Carson. “If their lives conform to the norms of verses 3–12, they cannot help but be an influence for good in society.2”
The world needs ordinary Christians who love Jesus and who are committed to following his ways. When these Christians live in this deteriorating world, they help to stop some of the decay.
Jesus doesn’t say that we should be salt. He says we are salt. Trust that as you follow him, he will use you to help stop some of the decay around you by his Spirit.
1 D.A. Carson, Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount And His Confrontation With The World, Baker Books, 2009.
2 Ibid.
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