Theme of the Week: Listening With Jesus
Bible Verse: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35
Scripture Reading: Mark 1:21-39
Jesus needed a man cave! If even Jesus knew this was a necessity, no wonder guys follow His lead.
Numerous times in scripture, we read about Jesus looking for a sanctuary to get away from people and be alone. Jesus had the same emotions we feel every day. His days weren’t all picnics. There were times when He was overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, angry and simply required space. The key is that Jesus recognized there was safety in the cave. This was a hide-away where he could regain His strength. Here He could turn for direction and guidance.
Whether we’re worn out or simply need a breather, where is that place for you? What emotions draw you to your cave?
Nowadays men are bombarded with expectations at work, our church, and in our homes. We are expected to be leaders. Guys don’t want to show their flaws. Hey, you can try and go it alone, and life may run like a well-oiled machine, but sooner or later you’re going to mess up or make a bad decision. When these circumstances arise, having a sanctuary – or man cave – is vital. This is a place where you and God can hang out and talk. A place where He can teach us and have our full attention.
Find your cave.
Taken from 40 Days in the Man Cave by Todd Stahl. Used with permission.
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