Theme of the Week: Bless Your Wife
Bible Verse: Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. – Proverbs 5:18 NIV
Scripture Reading: Acts 20:35
It’s almost that time of year when we have special rituals, celebrations, and food to observe that special day…no I don’t mean the Super Bowl! I mean Valentine’s Day. No matter what you do or don’t have planned, here’s one thing you can do: bless your wife.
Proverbs 5:18 says, “Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.”
We can read those words and easily think of all the ways we want our wives to be a blessing for us. What if we read that through a different lens? What if we read that as not ‘how can my wife bless me?’ but “how can my wife be a fountain that receives blessings from me’?
Here’s what I mean. When I was a young boy, I loved going to the mall to see the cool centerpiece and architectural wonder that many malls had… a huge fountain. I loved to see the special lighting, the water spouting, sometimes in a certain rhythm. I thought it was the coolest thing. And the most exciting part was the coins…hundreds of coins…and if I could only wade into that fountain, I’d be rich!
The tradition of throwing coins into a fountain or a well seems to have emerged from ancient societies where people believed that clean water was a gift from the gods. As a result, they would offer a small gift to please the gods and ensure a continued flow of clean water. These superstitions of throwing a coin into a fountain or a “wishing well” to find good fortune, love, or happiness are still practiced today.
Although your relationship with your wife is not a result of some superstition, it is evidence of a beautiful opportunity that we have to be a blessing. The writer of Proverbs describes our wives as a fountain. She is a fountain given to you not by the gods but as a special gift from our God.
The question is whether or not we are making deposits in our wife’s being on a consistent basis. The Apostle Paul, in Acts 20:35, quotes the words of Jesus and reminds us: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
How can we be that kind of blessing? We can bless her:
Spiritually. By interceding for her, praying with her, and encouraging her in the Lord.
Practically. By helping around the house, helping with the kids, and giving her a much-needed break.
Emotionally. By listening – really listening, and not trying to fix everything,
Romantically. By expressing our feelings about her, complimenting her, and praising her, not just privately but publicly.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the reminder that my wife is a special gift from You and the opportunity to be a blessing to her through my words, actions, emotions, and attitude. Help me to consistently bless my wife and to rejoice in her.
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