Each weekend, we are looking at the real stories of men who are learning to keep hope alive in difficult times. Today, we hear from Rick Verkerk – the Director of Conferences for Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. Rick shares his story of keeping hope alive during the chaos of COVID-19.
“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will praise Him, my Saviour and my God. – Psalm 42:5
We had just arrived in Edmonton and were having a meal before heading over to start setting a conference when my phone lit up with text messages. The Alberta Chief Medical Officer had just banned large gatherings. After a lengthy discussion, we cancelled the conference; and, after taking care of who-knows-how-many details, I flew back the next evening.
As I drove home late that evening, thinking about the chaos this virus was creating, I asked God, “What is the spiritual experience of this, Lord? Teach me.”
Immediately the answer was, “I am in control.”
I thought, “Yes, Lord, I know this. You are in control. What do You want us to do with that?”
Answer: “Many do not believe in Me. They need to know that I am in control.”
I drove in silence, reflecting on this: Here we are, about to enter a period of chaos over the next few days, weeks, maybe more and – wow – I have a Heavenly Father who is in control. What more assurance, what more hope do I need? Nothing. He is sovereign.
I spent the remaining time of the drive (it’s a long commute) reflecting on the peace that I have because of my relationship with the Lord, and that His Son died for me so I can have this peace.
We are now several weeks past that drive home, and indeed, the world has been significantly disrupted. Anxiety, worry, and fear have increased in people’s lives, their hope declining. If this is you, I can assure you God is in control, and that for all of us who have accepted Jesus as our Saviour, God’s love for us is more than we can ever imagine.
This is our hope, and it’s time to tell people about it!
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