Theme of the Week: Bible Reading
Bible Verse: “I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it.” 1 Peter 5:12
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 5:5-6
I sometimes like to joke that the letters of 1 and 2 Peter can also be known as, “Simon Says” (Peter used to go by the name of Simon). Of course, we know the Bible books to be God’s Word, but there is also the element of the human authorship worth exploring. That’s why we looked at Peter’s spiritual journey at the beginning of the week.
Peter was a self-confessed sinful man, but the grace of God shaped him over the years into a capable and godly leader. He knew his journey of successes and failures. Whenever he fell, Jesus picked him up . . . again, and again. That is God’s grace.
By the time Peter wrote his letters, he had presumably experienced God’s grace in many situations, ranging from preserving his life to equipping him to lead the church. He would write 1 Peter as a man full of grace, wisdom, and experience.
The letter covers many topics, intended to encourage the persecuted church of his day and to remind them how to live. He exhorted them to keep living good lives despite opposition. In their difficult circumstances, he re-cast the vision of their salvation through the resurrected and living Christ.
He recognized their suffering and didn’t dismiss it, urging them to stay devoted to God no matter what, following Jesus’ example of suffering. He cautioned them against living for this world, instead telling them that they were foreigners in this world since they were God’s chosen people, a holy nation. Moreover, Peter told them to follow the way of submission in their various relationships.
Toward the end of the letter, Peter concluded that everything he had written was the “true grace of God,” whether the subject be salvation, suffering, or submission. Just prior, in 5:5-6, Peter said that a humble posture allowed one to receive God’s grace. Pride, on the other hand, would close the door on God.
This is a sober reminder to us that we can read the letter of 1 Peter all we want but if we’re proud in our approach to life, we won’t be able to apply the letter’s teachings and experience the grace of God as He intends. Humility is key to unlocking God’s grace in our lives. Let us choose this way of humility in approaching both God and His word.
Prayer: My God and Father, I humble myself before You because I know who I am and who You are. You are the Creator and I am the created. You are the Savior and I am the saved. Thank you for Your constant grace in my life.
Reflection: Have I experienced much of God’s grace in my life? Do I extend His grace to others? Do I approach others in humility?
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