Theme of the Week: You Are What You Do: Lies About Work, Life, and Love
Bible Verse: “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Working a steady nine-to-five job is not normal anymore. Having a single source of income is definitely not normal either. What’s normal is a desire for freedom and flexibility.
While I was researching the implications of the gig economy on everyday life, I noticed a loose thread. The longer I spent investigating how the gig economy affected everyday life, the more the loose thread seemed to stick out. It kept jeering and taunting me to pull it. So I did. And that’s when things began to unravel. Stitch after stitch loosened and fell apart, until I was eventually left with a mangled heap of lies.
I wonder if the apostle Paul had experience with similar kind of lies in his day. Instead of conforming to the lies of our age by accepting them without thinking twice, what if we resisted? And by resistance, I’m talking about the kind of active resistance that the apostle Paul talks about – the kind of resistance that seeks to uncover the truth at all costs, no matter how much it might hurt.
This is the kind of resistance that chooses love over hate, light over darkness, forgiveness over shame, and generosity over greed. It’s the kind of resistance that uncovers who we aren’t, so that we can begin the journey of discovering who we really are. And this kind of resistance begins here with the truth that you are not what you do, you are not what you experience, you are not what you know, you are not what you own, you are not who you raise, and you are not your past.
Excerpted with permission from You Are What You Do by Daniel Im. Copyright 2020, B&H Publishing Group.
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