Theme of the Week: Anger
Bible Verse: If your boss is angry at you, don’t quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes. Ecclesiastes 10:4
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 10:1-20
All this week, we’ve dug deep into the topic of anger and how to channel it to be a positive force in your life rather than destructive.
We’ve looked at the importance of surrendering anger to God’s grace as Ephesians 4:26, urges believers not to let anger lead to sin. The steps to managing anger include acknowledging it, bringing it to God in prayer, seeking wisdom from the Bible, and practicing forgiveness.
We have the ability and opportunity to align our response to anger with God’s example and seek self-control, forgiveness, and grace. We can also look to Jesus as a model of righteous anger when he drove out the money changers or examples such as Moses confronting Israel’s idolatry.
However, cultivating righteous anger requires seeking God’s heart and eyes, studying His word, and joining His mission to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.
In the end, we are called to avoid sin in moments of anger, surrender our anger to God, seek His perspective, and at times even use anger as a motivation for righteous action.
Prayer: Next time you feel anger welling up inside of you, remember that the feeling is not sin, but can lead to sin. Take a breath and test whether this is a moment of righteous indignation or not. If not, release your frustration to God in earnest prayer, and take this opportunity to focus instead on acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with your God.
Reflection: Today, commit to meditating on the beauty of God’s true justice and generous mercy.
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