Theme of the Week: What is Salt & Light of the World? The Christian Influence
Bible Verse: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” Matthew 5:13 CSB
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:1-25
When you buy salt, you’re sometimes getting other materials besides salt. Salt can contain impurities as well as agents that prevent the salt from clumping together. Salt isn’t always salt!
Ancient salt from the Dead Sea area of Israel often contained impurities. When salt contains too many impurities, it’s no longer as useful as a preservative. You may as well throw it out.
And that’s the point Jesus makes: Christians can only serve as preserving agents when they’re free from impurities. We can’t let the world dilute our saltiness. The more we adopt the world’s values, the less we’ll be able to help stop its decay.
When we’re indistinguishable from the world, we’re useless. But when we’re different from the world, we end up being used by God to help preserve the world and draw people to him.
Where are you adopting the world’s values? How can you guard against impurities in your life? Ask God to reveal areas of impurity to you, and ask for his help so that you stay salty for his glory and the world’s good.
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