Theme of the Week: The One Who Will Never Fail
Bible Verse: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act” Psalm 37:5, CSB
Scripture Reading: Psalm 37:1-7
We have covered a lot of ground this week! Thanks for journeying with me. I trust these thoughts have encouraged and challenged you to start of this new year on the right foot.
So much of my faith comes down to trust in God. I pray that these things we have learned will build your trust in God, so that your faith in God will be unshakeable as we kickstart 2021. Here is a recap of our devotionals for this week.
Nothing Can Stop God
His plans cannot be stopped, including his plan to reconcile man to God. We have a way to know God.
Nothing Surprises God
He holds everything in his hands. Nothing happens without him knowing. We can take comfort that he is in control.
Nothing Can Separate us from God
His plan could not be stopped, because of his unconditional love for us. We can experience his love and acceptance today.
Nothing is Impossible for God
He has the ability to do beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. Walking with the God of the Impossible means that possibility is always present with the believer.
New Things are Marked by Hope
He is our source of hope, joy and peace. He gives generously; we must ask.
Now, let’s think about some actions because of what we have engaged this week. Can you write down in a journal or make a note on your phone, some of the areas you are going to trust God more with in 2021? Then, a year from now, you can check back to see how it worked out. My guess, is that you will discover how faithful God really is…. because he is the One who never fails.
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