Parents Growing in Wisdom Towards Their Children – Part 2

In Daily Devotional by Ray Ortlund

Theme of the Week: Family: We All Have One

Bible Verse: “In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.” Proverbs 14:26 ESV

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 14:26-28

Our children have immaturity in their hearts, but they also have greatness in Christ. We parents help them out of the immaturity and into the greatness with the rod of discipline. It is hard to read the Bible and get the impression that children should never be spanked. You have to figure out how it works best in your home, and some kids need only a stare to melt their hearts. But every child needs coaching and punishments and rewards that help them grow up and become men and women of destiny.

The greatest legacy we can leave our kids is how to find refuge in God when everything is on the line. Inevitably life gets harder than we ever dreamed it would be. At those moments of intense anguish, when godly parents bow down and trust Christ, they are teaching their children by a powerful example. They are teaching their children how to draw strength from God in suffering. And those kids in their day will also find a refuge in God when they suffer, as inevitably they will.

I remember a man in my boyhood church who was dying of cancer and suffering intensely. My dad went to see him in the hospital and asked him gently and plainly, “Rolf, would you like to die?” And Rolf said, “No, Ray. This might be the greatest day of my life.” Whatever else that man left to his family, that is a great legacy of faith!

Taken from Proverbs: Wisdom That Works by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., © 2012. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,

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Ray Ortlund
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. is the Pastor to Pastors at Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee. He also serves as President of Renewal Ministries, Regional Director in the Acts 29 Network, and Council Member of The Gospel Coalition. He is the author of several books, and has also served as an Old Testament translator for NLT and ESV versions of the Bible.
Ray Ortlund
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. is the Pastor to Pastors at Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee. He also serves as President of Renewal Ministries, Regional Director in the Acts 29 Network, and Council Member of The Gospel Coalition. He is the author of several books, and has also served as an Old Testament translator for NLT and ESV versions of the Bible.