Theme of the Week: Rebuilding Intimacy
Bible Verse: “And to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:24 ESV
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:17-32
I confess that I am much more like my wife after being with her for many years. When we first met, I did things my own way. But as our lives have intersected and overlapped more and more over the years, this dynamic has changed. There are things I do now that I clearly learned from her.
As an example, my wife is Jamaican. She speaks patois. She is therefore, by default, a hundred times cooler than I will ever be. However, you wouldn’t really know Shaloma is Jamaican unless you paid close attention. Her accent is almost nonexistent and she speaks in clear English.
That is, of course, until she gets in a car. The slightest of deficiencies or delinquencies in other drivers on the road brings out a completely different side of my wife. Some call it road rage. I call it Shaloma’s inner Jamaican. Driving is to Shaloma what anger is to the hulk.
I used to laugh at my wife’s antics until one day I got cut off on the highway and my inner Jamaican came out. Patois, slang, and even a bit of an accent. I was spewing my frustrations at a Bob Marley level. Where did that come from? And more importantly, did I just become cool?!
No, still not cool.
But clearly, the time spent with my wife had begun to rub off on me. I can assure you that without Shaloma, there is no way I would respond like that to an incompetent driver!
This is the reward of intimacy. As we’ve spent time together, I’ve become more like her and she has become more like me.
The reward of building intimacy with God is that we become more like Him. In spending time getting to know Him, and letting Him know us, we adopt His nature. His holy and righteous nature.
As Ephesians 4:24 says, “Put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” NIV
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