Resting Is Necessary

In Daily Devotional by Kyvenz Amédée

Theme of the Week: How to Make the Most of Your Sabbath Rest

Bible Verse: So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” Genesis 2:3 ESV

Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:1-5

Who doesn’t appreciate a well-deserved rest? After a hard day’s work, a long trip, or a period of intense activity, few are those who do not think of taking a break, even for a brief moment, to regain strength before continuing or moving on to other things. Yet, some men consider rest to be a hindrance to performance and success. Although they wouldn’t say it in those words, their attitude confirms it:

  • When a boss is annoyed by the idea of ​​giving breaks to his employees because he is more concerned about business productivity;
  • When an employee always pushes back the opportunity to spend quality time with his family, because he is absorbed in his work;
  • When passers-by see city workers sitting during their coffee break, and they say to themselves, “Here are lazy people!”

All these attitudes testify to the fact that the concept of rest is not always valued in our society. However, rest is not only appreciable, it is necessary and contributes, in fact, to our performance and success. We love to be active, of course, but being constantly busy without taking time to rest is like living while not breathing.

The Bible teaches us that the concept of rest comes from God himself. After creating the heavens and the earth and what they contain, he rested. It would certainly be wrong to assume that he was tired, for Scripture also reassures us that he neither slumbers nor sleep. But we can at least argue that rest, far from being an obstacle to performance, is an essential element to our success. The world does not need our hyperactivity to function well.

So if you haven’t done it already, pull out your calendar now and plan your next, well-deserved time of rest.

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Kyvenz Amédée
Kyvenz Amédée is the Lead Pastor of Gospelvie, a multicultural church located in Montreal, Quebec. He is also a speaker and coach, passionate about inspiring and helping people from all walks of life to discover the mind-blowing love of God and to improve their contribution to the world. Kyvenz and his wife Madglara have been married for 20 years, and they have 3 children.
Kyvenz Amédée
Kyvenz Amédée is the Lead Pastor of Gospelvie, a multicultural church located in Montreal, Quebec. He is also a speaker and coach, passionate about inspiring and helping people from all walks of life to discover the mind-blowing love of God and to improve their contribution to the world. Kyvenz and his wife Madglara have been married for 20 years, and they have 3 children.