Theme of the Week: Saying Yes to Jesus
Bible Verse: “But Jesus made no response to any of the charges, much to the governor’s surprise.” Matthew 27:14
Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:11-26
I’ve sat in plenty of rooms with electrified air and flushed faces where controversial topics arose. I’ve wrestled surging anger to the metronome of my pounding pulse while struggling to wisely discern if I should speak, what I might say, and whether it’s better to say nothing at all. Between Covid, sexuality, race, policy, policing, health care, addiction, and thousands of other issues, we are constantly being thrown into situations that threaten to polarize and divide us. What do we do?
There’s no simple answer; resist the voices telling you there is. In these times, courage matters. Like Jesus, we must learn the courage to tell the truth, the courage to hold our tongues, and the intimacy with God so that we can discern which to do when.
There are elephants in the bedroom and sanctuary alike. Most Christians admit not intending to share their faith with anyone. Western Christians, most of whom are the richest people the world has ever seen, cling to the title “lower – middle class” and largely give away a couple percent of their staggering incomes. We need courage to face these elephants and demons in our lives, families, churches and culture and to face them in that order. o say “yes” to God is often to be at odds with the groups around us, just like Jesus was. He didn’t clam up. He challenged Pharisee, Saducee, Essene, Zealot, prostitute, elder brother and sinner alike. Truth was necessary for new life.
When before Pilot, Jesus “made no response to any of the charges.” With His life on the line, chatty, iconoclastic, confrontational Jesus remained silent. He demonstrated the courage to accept the cup his Father had given him to drink. Some of the elephants in the church and home aren’t ours to name. Some of us need the courage to stay silent as God asks us to trust Him.
Jesus’ courage to speak the truth AND to remain silent are staggering. More remarkable is the intimacy He had with His Father that helped Him know which was required moment by moment. Jesus intends to fill the land with men and women who look like Him. Keep saying “yes” when He calls you to courageous speech or silence, and trust that He who began a good work in you will finish the job He started (Philippians 1:6).
Prayer: Do you find it easier to courageously speak or courageously remain silent? Is there a situation or relationship in your life right now where you might ask God to give you greater courage?
Reflection: How is your prayer life in this season? If you’re stuck and talk of intimacy with God seems fake or elusive, then set aside any sense of shame and begin to think and pray about who you might approach to guide you to a deeper walk with the Lord.
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