Theme of the Week: A Life of Purpose
Bible Verse: “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:1-13
Seeing Obstacles as opportunities needs to begin with identifying what obstacles are in front of you or how you could see the opportunity they present. Obstacles and challenges are a natural part of living a life of purpose. Nothing great has ever been done in history without facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. So, if we know that if God has a great purpose for you, then we can expect significant challenges. Jesus himself said, “You will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world”.
James, who wrote a book of the Bible named after himself, admits in the first chapter that we will have difficulty. He says to, “Count it all joy” because the testing that comes from challenge and obstacles creates such strong character and perseverance in us.
Paul the Apostle was no stranger to challenge and difficulty, and he saw the opportunity that obstacles presented. For him, it was a chance to share Jesus with a jailer or to find a way to praise in dark moments, to be able to share the Gospel in hostile environments, to work as a tent maker or simply just see how obstacles made him rely more on Jesus and become more like Him.
Obstacles and challenges can hold you back, especially if you don’t see how God can use them as opportunities. Sometimes it’s only a shift in perspective that makes all the difference and gives you the strength and courage to face them.
May I also remind you that there is a family of God available to help you avoid facing obstacles alone. Reach out to someone if you’re struggling, and let them help you through it!
Prayer: Dear God, help me to see obstacles as your opportunities to make me more like you. Give me insight into what you’re doing and the strength and courage to face it. Thank you for your Spirit that empowers me to live this life of purpose, even though at times, it may be difficult.
Reflection: What current obstacle am I facing that I am not seeing as an opportunity? Who do I need to walk with to make sure I don’t face it alone?
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