
In Daily Devotional by Robert Stermscheg

Theme of the Week: Stronger

Bible Verse: “The Lord is their strength.” Psalm 28:8

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:31

So often as men we try to make it on our own strength, forgetting that there is safety and strength in numbers.

All this week, we’ve walked through a man’s source of strength.

While the world would have us stand alone, we note that relationships are designed to encourage and support, rather than hinder or expose our weaknesses.

A good way of increasing strength is by working together, leaning on those who’ve been tested and have persevered. Therein lies true strength – in the companionship of godly men.

We also have the ultimate allies, three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are far more powerful than the earthly musketeers.

We can also learn from the four friends of the paralytic man.

They were willing to risk all: wrath from the house owner, a rebuke from those outside, or worse yet, a chastening from Jesus himself.

But we can learn a lot from their vivid example, by boldly stepping forward and tearing down the spiritual (sometimes physical) roadblocks.

Finally, we can find strength even in suffering. When you read Paul’s writings, despite his hardships you get the picture that he hasn’t backed off in his quest. No, not one bit. But he wasn’t alone. There was Silas, Barnabas, John Mark, and later, Priscilla and Aquila. Five men and one woman. Others soon followed.

So, what can we draw from his example? Paul’s message is quite clear. Run the race, don’t give up, even when faced with continual hardship. Paul certainly faced much more than most of us ever will.

And that gives me hope and encouragement. God is there with us, step by step, just as he was with the Apostle Paul.

Prayer: Father, I want to be strong. But I want to be strong for the right reasons and in the right ways. Shape and mold me into a man that reflects you into the world you created and that so badly needs you now. Grant me the strength to be a true reflection of you.

Reflection: Who is one person to whom you can reflect God to this coming week? How can you show them the love and care of God?

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Robert Stermscheg
Robert Stermscheg is happily married and has two adult children. After retiring from the Winnipeg Police Service in 2006, he had the opportunity to devote his time in writing fiction. He is currently working on a WWII mystery novel. He enjoys skiing, hiking and reading. He regularly attends a men’s Bible study group and has a passion for encouraging men in their walk with Christ.
Robert Stermscheg
Robert Stermscheg is happily married and has two adult children. After retiring from the Winnipeg Police Service in 2006, he had the opportunity to devote his time in writing fiction. He is currently working on a WWII mystery novel. He enjoys skiing, hiking and reading. He regularly attends a men’s Bible study group and has a passion for encouraging men in their walk with Christ.