Theme of the Week: Suffering
Bible Verse: “God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 CSB
Scripture Reading: Psalm 51:1-19
Easter is a reminder that there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). Suffering is integral to the Gospel of Jesus – the suffering of the righteous for the unrighteous. This week we’ve seen how sin is worse than we think, and how Jesus’s love is greater than we can imagine. These are some of the highlights for your reflection today.
The Lamb Who Transforms: “The Incarnation of God and his unblemished sacrifice offer the perfect remedy. The source of life grew up specifically for an appointed time of death. Jesus was resolved in his purpose: He insisted that he must suffer terrible things and be killed (Luke 9:22).”
Clash of Kingdoms: “By subjecting himself to the hostile forces of this world and not being undone by them, Jesus stripped them of power. They did their worst, and it wasn’t nearly enough. For centuries thereafter, we, his followers, have cast our lot with the despised and rejected, acquainting ourselves with sorrow and grief and not being undone.”
A Comprehensive Gospel: “We may not experience all of his remedies immediately, and we will still have to deal with problems and pain. But nothing is off-limits to his mercy and grace.”
Receive All, Give All: “The walking wounded of this world need the ministry of the Cross, and the only way for them to get it is to experience it through someone who has already received its healing work.”
Finally Free: “Jesus’ death atones for our sin and brings us back from our rebellion, but we have to participate in it by faith and taste its self-denial if we want to leave our fallen nature behind. “
Content taken from The Promise of Lent Devotional: A 40-day Journey toward the Miracle of Easter by Chris Tiegreen. Copyright ©2017. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
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