Bible Verse: Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Psalm 29:2 NIV
Scripture Reading: Psalm 29
This week, we delved into the topic of holiness.
We examined how the world perceives holiness and concluded that it is often misunderstood or given a negative connotation. We aim to rectify this perception and help people understand holiness.
We then turned to the scriptures to better understand a biblical view of holiness and discovered that it is directly related to God or the virtue of being born-again and belonging to God.
We also compared holiness to righteousness and used a very Canadian analogy to explain the subtle difference between the two.
We explored various ways our holiness can increase, and highlighted the benefits that come when this happens.
We started this week’s devotional with a question: How can we attain holiness without relying on good deeds or effort?
We have concluded that we need to spend time reading the scriptures. I regularly assess the time I spend watching TV vs. reading the Bible. I feel convicted and have made a New Year’s resolution to change this.
Additionally, we must shift our perspective and prioritize eternal things over temporal ones. We should worship the Creator and not the creation.
We must also seek the voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As 2 Peter 1:21 states, “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
Furthermore, through the Holy Spirit, we will actively deal with sin and use life’s challenges to strengthen our faith.
Through the changes led by the Holy Spirit, we will attain peace with our Creator by becoming more and more holy. As we become more spiritually mature, we will start bearing the fruit of holiness.
Prayer: Dear Father, may this week’s devotional on holiness be a blessing to every man who reads it. In an unholy world, we all need more of Your holiness. May our light shine brightly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Reflection: Search the Bible for the word “holiness” and meditate in prayer on the verse that resonates most with you.
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