Theme of the Week: The God Who Shows
Bible Verse: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9, ESV
Scripture Reading: Romans 1:25
Talking about idolatry in our western society and culture in the 21st century is not easy. Whether you are a Christian or not, the picture of idolatry for many is of ancient peoples or societies that bow down to big statues of gods. The Bible shows us that idolatry is much deeper and that we are as idolatrous as ever. Except we disguise it very well.
If the essence of sin is to take God’s place, then all sin is an act of idolatry.
The apostle Paul makes the inevitability of idolatry very clear. He says in Romans 1:25, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.”
There are only two options: You either worship the Creator, or you worship a created thing. There is no possibility of not worshiping or serving anything. However, plenty of people say they don’t worship or serve anything. But it’s impossible.
If you do not worship the true God, then you have to be worshiping something else.
Some philosophers have said it this way: Human beings are telic creatures. Telic is from the word telos, which means purpose. In other words, human beings have to live for something. Something has to capture your imagination. Something has to capture the highest allegiance of your heart. Something has to be the resting place of your deepest hopes.
We say we believe in God. But often, what we really want is a God who still lets us stay in control of our lives. On the one hand, we say that God is the center of our lives, but on the other hand, our hope and trust remain in things like our achievements, money, or human approval.
Today, we all face a choice: Who or what is the deepest desire of your hearts? In whom or what are you placing all your trust and all your hope?
Who are you worshiping?
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