The Potential for Transformation

In Daily Devotional by Daniel Henderson

Theme of the Week: Transforming Prayer

Bible Verse: “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:6-7

Scripture Reading: Acts 4:1-31

As I have watched the power of worship-based prayer transform hundreds of lives, I have seen some very specific fruit. I long for more of this fruit in my life and the lives of everyone I influence. I grieve when I fall short of this fruit. I pray for a greater vision and passion in my life and the lives of others.

What does this fruit look like? Here is a summary of what I have seen occur as people learn to seek God’s face:

God is glorified! – One of the great results of transforming prayer is that people recognize God at work because they have joined Him in that work through their prayers. Their hearts are sensitized to His presence, His power, and His purposes.

We are sanctified! – Sanctified. Did you notice that word in the morning paper today? Of course not. It is not a word in common use, but it packs a powerful meaning. It means to be “set apart” to God. It means God is working in me, around me, and through me to make me holy, more like Jesus.

The church is edified! – To say that the church is “edified” means that the lives, marriages, families, and ministries of the church are built up, made strong and healthy – through biblical prayer, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The world is mystified! – The world is not transformed by relevant Christians, strategic Christians, visionary Christians, leadership-savvy Christians, wealthy Christians, attractive Christians, educated Christians, active Christians, or articulate Christians. These are all interesting qualities, and might be helpful on occasion – especially in building big religious organizations and selling books.

Ultimately, the world is transformed by sanctified Christians through whom the life of Jesus becomes a mystifying manifestation. People changed by Jesus cannot help but change the world.

The enemy is notified! – When we are in the habit of experiencing transformation as we seek God’s face, the enemy’s efforts to defeat, discourage, distract, or destroy us are met with the reality of our Christ-ward focus and the victory that comes from intimacy with Jesus. To Satan’s dismay, he sees us praying, trusting God, and becoming more like our Lord as we do so. He is notified that we are engaged in a pursuit of the promises of transformation and impact for the Savior.

Taken from Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face by Daniel Henderson. ©2011 by Daniel Henderson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Daniel Henderson
As a senior pastor for over two decades, Daniel Henderson brought prayer-based revitalization to numerous churches. Now, as the President of Strategic Renewal, Daniel is dedicating his full-time efforts to help congregations across the country and world experience renewal. Daniel is sought after for his expertise in leading corporate prayer. He has authored numerous books on biblical leadership and prayer including, Old Paths, New Power and Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face.
Daniel Henderson
As a senior pastor for over two decades, Daniel Henderson brought prayer-based revitalization to numerous churches. Now, as the President of Strategic Renewal, Daniel is dedicating his full-time efforts to help congregations across the country and world experience renewal. Daniel is sought after for his expertise in leading corporate prayer. He has authored numerous books on biblical leadership and prayer including, Old Paths, New Power and Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face.