Theme of the Week: Serve
Bible Verse: “Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.” Isaiah 66:2
Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:5-8
The scary thing about being in church and around churched people long enough is the temptation to assume that the good life you have in Christ was as a result of something you did. When this type of prideful thinking creeps in, it can be hard to see it yourself.
Here are some signs you’re beginning to slip into that mentality: Suddenly, your time is more important than others, so serving becomes less necessary in your mind. You begin to think people earlier on in their walk with Christ know less than you and have to start by “earning their stripes” and serving, or you just attend church less and less.
If there were anyone that had the right to be prideful and to have others serve Him, it would have been Jesus.
He lived a perfect life. He didn’t need to be saved from His sins, and He certainly didn’t deserve the treatment He received on earth (from the very people He was there to save, no less!).
Here’s a prayer that may be helpful to pray every morning: “I am the servant of all. No task is too small or insignificant for me to do for Christ. No task is too big or too much of an ask for me to do for Christ. He gave His all, so today, I’ll give mine.”
This is why we serve.
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