Theme of the Week: Spiritual Gifts
Bible Verse: “Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.” Romans 12:1
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-8
If you’re a Christian, God has given you a spiritual gift. Every believer has been given an ability by the Holy Spirit to use to serve others and glorify God. We’re supposed to think about our gifts accurately—avoiding the twin dangers of pride and putting ourselves down. Instead, we’re supposed to speak and serve with love.
God made us to need each other. God intends for you to use your spiritual gifts to grow, and so that the rest of the church grows too.
The place to start, though, is in seeing all of this as part of our worship of God. In Romans, Paul has spent chapter after chapter describing the rich truths of the gospel. God has done so much for us. We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, but God has made us right with Him and has given us everything we need for a life of godliness.
How should we respond to this amazing news? Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2: consecrate our bodies and renew our minds. One of the ways to do this, Paul outlines in Romans 12:3-8, is to use your spiritual gifts to serve others. In other words, using our spiritual gifts is one way that we respond to what God has done for us through Jesus.
This week, we’re going to explore the subject of spiritual gifts, but this is the place to start. Using our gifts is a response to everything God has done for us. It’s a way of worshiping God because He has been so good to us. Using them is an act of worship.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your salvation. In response, I pray that you would allow me to live for you. Help me to use my spiritual gifts as an act of worship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Reflection: How can you worship God through your actions today?
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