Bible Verse: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” Psalm 24:1
Scripture Reading: Psalm 24: 1-10
We need to make a critical point about planet Earth before we can understand environmental stewardship:
The Earth belongs to its Creator, and we are merely stewards, not owners.
Jesus taught us that we will be held accountable for what we have done with our talents, treasures, and time on Earth and how we used them to glorify God (Matthew 15:14-30).
If God’s Creation glorifies Him (Psalm 19:1), we must care for His Creation as part of our worship.
We can draw closer to God by reading His Word and by appreciating His created world. In Romans 1:20, Paul states, “His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the world’s creation, in the things that have been made.” Saint Augustine famously said, “Some people read books to get closer to God, but there is a greater book: the appearance of created things. Look above you! Look below you! Read it.”[1]
As stewards of God’s environment, we must strive to glorify Him through the care and maintenance of the Creation. Stewardship of the environment is one of the most significant acts of worship we can offer God. We are all accountable for what we do with God’s entrusted possession, and we must remember that we are merely custodians of His Earth.
Furthermore, God intends us to take care of His Creation, not because we are waiting for Christ to return and make everything new, but because the Kingdom of God is within us from the moment we believe (Luke 17:21). Hope and faith in a better tomorrow do not negate our responsibility to care for the environment today as God’s representatives on Earth.
Finally, we must set an example for unbelievers by putting our light on display and leading by example (Matthew 5:14). Environmental stewardship has become a priority for many people and is an excellent way to point others to God.
Men: it is a wonderful way to proclaim God’s kingdom by caring for Creation and helping others do the same.
Prayer: Dear Father, grant us the courage to make good choices and to speak with other men about being responsible stewards of Your Creation. Amen.
Reflection: Is there someone God is speaking to you about reaching out to concerning caring for His Creation? How might you start the conversation thoughtfully and respectfully?
[1] From On the Book of Nature.
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