Bible Verse: My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline or be weary of his reproof. Proverbs 3:11
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:9-12, 2 Corinthians 1:3-8
Our perspective on work changes dramatically when we see the importance and value of work according to the Bible. Work is a divine calling, and when we see it that way, it becomes less of something we have to do and more of something we get to do. Work is clearly from God, and He gives us the grace to do the job and do it well. Our ultimate goal is to glorify Him at work.
God is glorified when we bring our best work ethic to the job. Others see it when we work hard, and so does God. It will be a witness, as will how you treat others, regardless of how they treat you. Working hard is essential, but so is living a balanced life. This is not always easy, especially when you’re a driven individual. God tells us to reject idolatry and the temptation to make our work an idol.
God wants us to have joy in our work. This doesn’t mean we’ll never experience challenges at work. That’s unavoidable. However, how we respond to these challenges is our true witness to others on the job. As Christian men in the workplace, people always watch us and sometimes look for us to fail. Our response shows others who we truly are and who we are working for.
The average guy spends 8 hours a day at work, sometimes more. That’s more of our waking hours in a 24-hour day than we spend with our family. When we understand that work is a divine calling, we see our workplace as a ministry, and the perfect opportunity to live a life of purpose and Godly impact.
Prayer: Lord, may the labour of my hands, in every area of my life, be pleasing to You, and may You draw close to me as I work, blessing me with Your presence and Your favour upon my efforts.
Reflection: What is your biggest takeaway from this week of devotionals on work, and how will that takeaway affect your efforts moving forward?
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