Though Christmas is very important and enormously popular, Easter—and the days leading up to it—is the most significant event in the Christian’s calendar. We may not even realize how much bearing this one event, the resurrection of Jesus, has on our every day lives. We caught up with with pastor and author Brady Boyd at a recent Promise Keepers Canada conference where he shared with us why the resurrection of Jesus matters, the evidence for it, and the implications it has for our life here and now—as well as in the future.
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Brady Boyd
Brady is the senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. He has a degree in Journalism from Louisiana Tech, has been a radio announcer for professional baseball and basketball teams, and was the Sports Editor for his college newspaper. Brady has written several books including Addicted to Busy and Speak Life: Restoring Healthy Communication In How You Think, Talk, And Pray, and is also really serious about caring for the people of Colorado Springs by opening numerous Dream Centers.Brady Boyd
Brady is the senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. He has a degree in Journalism from Louisiana Tech, has been a radio announcer for professional baseball and basketball teams, and was the Sports Editor for his college newspaper. Brady has written several books including Addicted to Busy and Speak Life: Restoring Healthy Communication In How You Think, Talk, And Pray, and is also really serious about caring for the people of Colorado Springs by opening numerous Dream Centers.