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Brian Russell on Why Dads Matter

In Family, Father, Life Issues, Podcast, Purpose by Brian Russell

There’s a growing tendency in our culture to see men as optional, particularly in response to what some would call “patriarchal constructs”. At the same time, there’s a growing realization in our culture about the negative impacts of fatherless families.

Brian Russell works for an organization called Dad Central, which provides resources and training to highlight the invaluable role of fathers in the lives of their children. Brian talks about some of the impacts of low father-involvement vs high father-involvement, as well as what it means to be a responsible dad—and how this all affects our children’s relationship with God.

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Brian Russell
Brian Russell is the Director of Living Hope Centre for Care and Counselling and the Provincial Coordinator for Dad Central.
Brian Russell
Brian Russell is the Director of Living Hope Centre for Care and Counselling and the Provincial Coordinator for Dad Central.