Danny MacKay is the National Ambassador for e3 Partners in Canada, the organization behind I Am Second. Danny leads short-term church planting expeditions to unreached parts of the world, mobilizing and partnering with churches, ministries, artists, and ‘seconds’ who wish to advance the kingdom of God in this generation.
Danny shares examples of how we can be godly disruptors to those around us, reaching the unreached with the gospel. He also talks about how a “disruption” became a catalyst for him coming to Jesus in the most unlikely way—in the back of a stolen car.

Danny MacKay
Danny MacKay is the National Ambassador for I Am Second. His message inspires people to be passionate about Christ and the call to build His kingdom. Combining humour and depth, Danny’s ability to bring Scripture to life moves listeners to a deeper love for God and a commitment to reach the world around themDanny MacKay
Danny MacKay is the National Ambassador for I Am Second. His message inspires people to be passionate about Christ and the call to build His kingdom. Combining humour and depth, Danny’s ability to bring Scripture to life moves listeners to a deeper love for God and a commitment to reach the world around them