This episode features Mike Gordon from our recent Impactus Virtual Men’s conference that reached thousands of men around the world. Mike asks the tough questions: “Who is the Lord of your life?” Are you doing things your way or God’s way? Are you truly believing in the power of God and what He wants to do in and through you? Is God just God or is He the Lord of every area of your life?
No matter where you’re at today, God is waiting for you to call on Him. God is waiting for you to surrender everything to Him. Not just the easy things or the good stuff, but the struggles, the challenges and the worldly things that have a hold on you.
A great message that will both encourage and challenge you to take inventory, get real and ask yourself the tough question:
Is Jesus the Lord of none of your life? Some of your life? Or all of your life?
You can watch the entire Impactus Men’s Conference anytime at