If you were to rate your current experience reading or listening to the Word of God, how would you fare?
If you’re like most guys, Bible engagement can be challenging. While some are very disciplined with their time in the Word, others struggle to prioritize and focus.
Our most recent Spiritual Health of Men Survey found that you aren’t alone. We saw some decline from the previous year in the number of respondents who responded to the question of whether they spend regular time in the Scriptures.
So what can you do about it, and how can you get better at spending time daily in the Word?
The good news is that there are resources, translations, and organizations to help you. On this month’s podcast, we’re excited to speak with Duncan Campbell.
Duncan is the Vice President of National Programs for the Canadian Bible Society, one of our ministry partners here at Impactus, with a mission to help people hear God speak, in Canada and across the world. He is an author, blogger, visionary, husband, father, grandfather, adventurer, and incorrigibly curious.
Today, we’ll talk to Duncan about his spiritual journey, the mission and many projects of the Bible Society, and how they can help men engage with the Word.