EP 81: The Good News for Guys with Jason Persaud

In Faith Journey, Mission, Podcast, Spiritual Growth by Jason Persaud

Despite the rise of people identifying as “non-religious” in Canada and the growing trends of secularism in our post-Christian culture, there is good news on the horizon.

Alpha Canada released a 2024 report that indicated signs of hope and opportunity. It revealed:

  • Post-pandemic, church leaders in Canada are perceiving an inexplicable spiritual openness and curiosity in our communities.
  • This “spiritual openness” includes lapsed Christians, or those with no faith, becoming more spiritually curious in the past three years, receptive to the message that Jesus saves, and displaying a “higher likelihood” that they would actually come to church.
  • Church leaders across Canada are prioritizing sharing the Gospel with an increased clarity and commitment to the Great Commission.

Our own annual Spiritual Health of Men survey, sent to several thousand men connected with our ministry, consistently shows that sharing their faith is an ongoing challenge for men, but also an amazing opportunity for the church to lean in, and where men and men’s ministries can play an important part.

In this month’s podcast, we will talk about these important matters!

Join us as we chat with Jason Persaud, the National Director of Church Experience for Alpha Canada. Jason and Dean discuss the ongoing challenges of evangelism for men and the great reason for hope in these exciting days as God opens doors for the Gospel to be shared in our communities!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jason directly at jpersaud@alphacanada.org. Jason will lead a breakout session at our upcoming Winnipeg conference on “How to Teach Men Who Don’t Know Jesus” – register here!

Jason Persaud
Jason lives in the greater Toronto area and brings over 30 years of ministry experience to his role as National Director of Church Engagement for Alpha Canada. He loves cheering for Toronto sports teams with his wife and two children.
Jason Persaud
Jason lives in the greater Toronto area and brings over 30 years of ministry experience to his role as National Director of Church Engagement for Alpha Canada. He loves cheering for Toronto sports teams with his wife and two children.