Before she passed away, Queen Elizabeth II pulled a lighthearted prank on two American tourists. Unbeknownst to them, they found themselves in the company of royalty, and the Monarch chose not to reveal their error.
The amusing incident serves as a great source of entertainment. You can catch the full story here.
Similar to the unsuspecting tourists, Christian men often find themselves in a similar situation during Christmas. While we talk and sing about the holiday, we may miss the profound message—that a KING has come.
As men, we resist being told that we’re not the kings of our own castles. We engage in a wrestling match with God, sometimes relinquishing control only to snatch it back from His hands.
In this podcast episode, Jordan offers an encouragement regarding the two responses to the Kingship of Jesus:
Hostility or Humility.
Will you be like the two tourists—unaware of whom you’ve encountered—or will you bow in worship?
Tune in to hear Jordan discuss:
- How we may resemble insecure tyrant Kings more than we’d like to admit.
- How easily we can be like Ricky Bobby, favoring “sweet baby Jesus” above all.
- Jordan’s personal struggles with surrendering his life to God.
- And much more…